A short film from Apri - May 2010 on some of my Epiphyllum.
Below pictures there are photos and movies from my greenhous
Nr. Epiphyllum Hybrids
1. ackermannii 15cm
2. adolf serner 20 smells good
3. american sweetheart 16cm
4. arturo 18cm
5. bold venture 17cm
6. bruin 18cm
7. bumpkin 20cm smells good
8. clarence wright 15cm smells good
9. creme de menthe 16cm
10. cynthia 8cm
11. czarina 15cm
12. Ebbes oranga no name 25cm
13. Ebbes röda no name 25cm
14. emperor's clothes 17cm
15. Epi Society 18cm smell good
15.1 fruhlingsgold 13cm smell good
16. fruhlingsgold/frühlingsanfang 12cm and smells very good
17. going bananas 20cm
17.1 globale orange 16cm
17.2 hermosissimus 22cm
18. Indian warrior 20cm
19. JT Barber 28cm
20. king midas 16cm
21. king midas hybrid 16cm
22. liberty glow 17cm smells very good
23. markova 19cm smells good
24. mexa kelly 26cm smells good
25. mullers mandarin 19cm in the night
26. Disocactus phyllanthoides 8cm
27. oakleigh dominator 20cm smells good
28. oriental Dancer 28cm
29. pat barret 20cm
30. paula knebel 25cm
31. pegasus 27cm
32. pfersdorfii 15cm smells good
32.1 prinsess grace 17cm smells good
33. professor ebert 14cm
34. red sails 18cm
35. reflected glory 13cm
36. sachsenland 22cm
37. shimmer 21cm
38. snowflake 15cm
39. sonoma sunshine 25cm smells good
39.1 tele 20cm
40. white splendor 22cm
41. victor hugo 14cm
42. Disocactus macranthus 10cm smell very good
43. Epiphyllum anguliger 10cm smell good
44. Epiphyllum anguliger "gigantea" 14cm smell good
45. Epiphyllum crenatum var chi chi castenago 20cm and smells good
46. Epiphyllum oxepetalium 25 cm in the night smell very good
47. Epiphyllum phyllanthus 4cm in the night
48. Epiphyllum strictum 18cm in the night and its still ok in the early morning
49. Hylocereus undatus 29cm in the night
49.1 Hylocereus purpusii 29cm in the night
52. Selenicereus anthonyanus 14cm smell good citrus in the night
53. Selenicereus grandiflorus 24cm smell good in the night
54. Selenicereus validus 18cm smell good cacao in the night
55. Selenicereus coniflorus 23cm smell good in the night